Saturday, June 23, 2007

Collective Memories in Movie Posters

The Hong Kong Film Archive has a poster collection covering some 4000 titles, ranging from the 50s to the present. This archival treasure represents a history that span through harsh time in the post-war period and also the golden age of Hong Kong cinema in the 80s and 90s. The poster design and printing methods varied to a large extend and whether you appreciate the look of if or not, it is a rare chance for the originals to be put on display and a precious moment to revive collective memories.

As curator of the show, I have used a kind of "yin vs yang" idea to turn the exhibition hall in two sections of black and white, the former for displaying agressive and visually strong images from "kung fu" or "sexy" genres, the latter for displaying "comedy", 'romance" and "dramatic" film posters.

Due to the vast quantity, the selection will be shown in two phases according to the historical periods and will be toured to Tuen Mun Town Plaza in mid-July.

香港電影資料館自開館至今已搜羅得超過四千部香港電影的海報,由50 年代到今天的,片類繁多,設計和印刷都各具特色,從中可窺見電影過去數十年所走過的歲月,無論是艱辛的戰後,或是蓬勃的八、九十年代;無論是你喜歡或不喜歡的色彩或圖案,再次曝光亦是難得的歷史舖陳和感性的集體回憶。 由於量多的關係,展覽將按海報的年代分兩期展出,亦將於七月中移師到屯門市廣場一樓中央廣場展出。

香港電影資料館展期 Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong Film Archive:
第一期 /Phase I (1948 to 1978): 23/6 – 19/8/2007
第二期 / Phase II (1979 to 2006): 25/8 - 1/10/2007

屯門市廣場展期Main Atrium, 1/F, Tuen Mun Town Plaza:
第一期/ Phase I (1948 to 1978): 22/7 - 12/8/2007
第二期/ Phase II (1979 to 2006) :13/8 – 2/9/2007

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