Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Attended the video installation works in "Tempestade / Unwetter / Tempest, curated by internationally-renowned curator Alfons Hug, who originates from Germany and active in Brazil. Also got to know GianFranco Foschino from Chile, the young artist who made a very beautiful and picturesque landscape vertival video that re-question how we perceive nature. I like that work very much indeed.

He introduced me to two other video masters' works in the show, namely Reynold Reynolds (US) and Guido van der Werve (Holland). Reynolds' "Secret Life" is a combination of performance and very fine video techniques that produced both intriguing and disturbing visuals.

Guido is the highlight of the exhibition, which is a 21st century echo to the German Romantic period. I am so happy to have a chance to see his heart-stiking images, particular at this juncture of my life, when I wanna get to the core of feelings.

Visit gallery of Goethe Institut-Hong Kong for more!


Anonymous said...

Dear Winnie Fu,

My name is Rosie Castillo. I am a gallery representative, working with Agora Gallery, which is located in Chelsea, the art district of New York City.

I came across your artwork online and I was impressed. As a gallery representative, my job is to discover talented artists who might benefit from the representation and promotion services that we offer.

Would you like to learn more about the gallery, our services and the fees involved? I'll be glad to send you an email - please let me know if you are interested.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Rosie Castillo
Gallery Representative | Agora Gallery

Anonymous said...

Dear Winnie,

I know your inbox is probably a busy place, so I just wanted to send a quick follow-up email. Would you like to receive some information about the New York exhibition opportunities and promotional services, offered by Agora Gallery? My original email is copied below for quick reference.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Original email:

Dear Winnie Fu,

My name is Rosie Castillo I am a gallery representative, working with Agora Gallery, which is located in Chelsea, the art district of New York City.

I came across your artwork online and I was impressed. As a gallery representative, my job is to discover talented artists who might benefit from the representation and promotion services that we offer.

Would you like to learn more about the gallery, our services and the fees involved? I'll be glad to send you an email - please let me know if you are interested.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Rosie Castillo
Gallery Representative | Agora Gallery